Sunday, September 10, 2006


Tried to call you but haven't connected yet. . .

I know exactly where Wakefield is- remember the Sunflower court case that went to the AL Supreme Court- the premption private claim of Wyche Whatley? Anyway, during my reconnaissance I was beating the bushes all around it ( & then was shown) where Wakefield is- talk about a ghost town.Those who seek to profit from others research had better watch their backs in those Tombigbee bottoms- it would be easy for someone to just disappear off the face of the earth- kind of like Old Wakefield did.

The Weasel, I am told, has recently announced that he thinks he has found the Fort (Ft. Louis) at Twenty-seven-mile Bluff. Talk about serial rape of the scientific method. I know that absolute truth will never truly be gleaned utilysing scientific method & theory but to hide behind such fiction and lying as has been invented (& published) by the Weasel who used up approx 800,000 tax dollars to "prove" the fort slipped into the river, only to drag it back up onto the bluff, soon after the Ala. Power Company got its permits for SALCO Industrial Park, is as despicable as it ought to be illegal. AND NOW we have to listen to his bullshit again.

Beer for my horses! Whiskey for my men!


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